Divinity original sin 2 wiki weapon damage scaling
Divinity original sin 2 wiki weapon damage scaling

divinity original sin 2 wiki weapon damage scaling

Fixed camera is the way to do a gameplay focused game for non-retards. I thought the real rpg genre has matured past this shit. Also, the fucking camera is annoying as fuck. I would have to try much harder if I had to keep my party alive, or if there was some sort of negative to dying like dead members do not receive xp. My biggest complaint is that dying is no big deal. It was a joke in DOS 1, but very well done in 2. I have to say I am surprised by the difficulty of tactician in this game. Its way way above anything else, there's no rpg who ever did combat better. There's so many combinations i never seen anything better in any game, even KOTC, there's also great use of landscape, knock down and attack opportunities.

divinity original sin 2 wiki weapon damage scaling

No ! i teleport sebille instead in the back of the mob to get high ground+ backstab bonus, yes and buff her with her elven racial and choose to sacrifice a bit of health for more damage, yes it will overcome the physical armor but maybe if i switch some gems on her daggers it will deal magic instead and overcome it faster, no maybe more piercing instead. Oh wait if that oil barrel goes down there the necro fire will spread even further! Hmm how good is that necrofire acording enemy resistance? Or maybe cast bone cage as theres many corpses so i can buff up my tank a lot wich has conveniently the source king unique helm allowing to transfer all damage received to anyone else, that if you discovered its hidden ability, no rather cast the corpse eating summon and block the way, then teleport my archer up there to get 20% bonus. My necromancer can cast an hybrid hydro/necro spell, should i cast rain blood on my character then cast bloodsucking on them to heal,(great healing by the way!) or cast the blood on the black tentacles thing to revive them and curse enemies then maybe set it on fire to create necro fire? Click to expand.It's only the tip of the iceberg its a very versatile system wich allow great tactical opportunities.

Divinity original sin 2 wiki weapon damage scaling